New To Coffee? Just buy an Aeropress.
People often ask me what I use to make coffee or what I reccomend for a starter brewer. Nothing, and I mean nothing, matches the Aeropress.
I have had mine since April of 2016, thousands of cups have gone through it and it has traveled with me everywhere.
It is:
- Cheap
- Portable
- Practically indestructible
- Simple to use
- Makes excellent coffee
- Super easy to clean
I would reccomend the Standard or the XL. The Go is too small and the Standard is more than portable enough.
A basic recipe that I like is:
- 18 grams of coffee ground to slightly finer than pour over
- Pour 40 grams of water evenly and leave for 40 seconds
- Pour 180 grams of water and stir for three stirs
- Put plunger in and pull up to create a seal
- Push down slowly at 2:30 until around 3:00
- Stop when you hear the hiss